Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"come on man, everyone's doing it, relax it'll be fine"
Those are the words you hear today. Everyday adolescents are pressured into doing things they don't want to do, whether it be stealing a piece of candy to doing drugs or drinking alcohol. Even though teens/ adolescents do not want to do any of those bad things, they do it to fit in and that's what everyone is so worried about in today's society..... Fitting in. As a adolescent I have been pressured into doing things I wouldn't want to do, but again I wanted to fit in and did things I now regret doing. Teens are also being pressured to do things they don't want to do because they don't get enough attention at home. I know a friend who is an alcoholic at the age of 17 because he doesn't have the attention and love and care he has at home. He said he never had a positive role model in his life so he decided to become best buds with his friend Corona because they will never let him down or leave him. People who underage drink and do drugs, etc. are more likely to develop brain defects and develop mental disorder by the time they're in their 30's. So here's the deal. Don't fall into peer pressure no matter how hard you want to "fit in" because it's not worth it, think of the long run, and make the right choice.


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog Austin because some of my friends have gone through some the problems yours are experiencing.

  2. It most definitely is not worth trying to fit in, but there is not enough guidance or observant parents or teachers to notice that a student may be pressured to do certain things because of their home situation. Good job!

  3. I agree with Sherley 100%. People should try to be a leader by doing what is right instead of making stupid decisions to try and fit in with the kids who aren't going to be successful due to their addiction on drugs and alcohol. Great blog Austin

  4. Fitting in is not cool at all. But then again, we're the kids known for standing out it's sort of different for us. I do think trying to fit in is the weak way out. Austin. Good job.

  5. I truly understand why people practice these distractive behavior. Most are cause by the parent's inattentiveness or struggles. All the same, any teen can be pressured to by peer influence.

  6. At some point we all just try to fit in but I'm sure we all have enough common sense not to force myself into fitting in & I feel sorry for your friend.

  7. I like your message at the end of your blog, and true stuff about the not getting enough love at home

  8. very nice. What you said is so true, it is really not worth it to do something you may think is "cool" because in the end it will most likely destroy you.

  9. Very informative. BReaks my heart to see children live in poverty. I hope the government is doing their best to help them. Could have used a different font color.
