Monday, January 2, 2012

Giving Back

In my community I try and clean up my neighborhood when I can. Every 3rd wedsnesday of every month a few of my friends and I go around my neighborhood and pick u any trash we see. We have been doing it for the past year and a half. For future events, as we are going to all join "Hand on Broward" I am looking forward to helping out the community whenever and however I can. Also, as a new years revoultion, I have promised to join more beach clean-ups. As a matter of fact when I was little my grandma was apart of a community helpers, the name escapes me at the moment, but she took me to a beach clean up and I joined in for a day. It was probably the most fun I've had at that age. Also, I keep ranting, but Last year my grandma helped out a soup kitchen out in West Palm Beach and a soup kitchen in Hollywood and it gave me joy to see that I could help people that can't help themselves. So in the future I am going to try and get involved in my community as much as possible and urge you to do the same because giving back is a great feeling.


  1. i commend your willingness to do something for your community not because its requested but because its important. By the way you have cool friends

  2. Beach cleanups are great to help out the ocean and join the community together for a common cause! It's awesome that you help for the cause. I used to do a couple beach cleanup a few years ago.

  3. Volunteering runs in the family! Maybe we could do a beach clean up together as a club. Good job!

  4. That's so true. Helping and volunteering for the community *does* give you a good feeling afterwards. A sense of accomplishment :)
    That's so nice what you do for your neighborhood! You don't even do it for any service hours... That's so awesome and selfless. Good job :)

  5. That's good that you clean up your neighborhood! It really is hard to find people who still do that these days.

  6. "LET'S GO GREEN" good blog, nice revolution, and I feel you on that beach clean up bro
